CFS 2065 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scantron Corporation, Quality Circle, Cash Flow

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25 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Multiple choice straight forward small scantron: review basic family resource management concepts. Frm: an understanding of the decisions individuals and families make about developing and allocating resource including time, money, material assets, energy, friends, neighbors and space to meet their goals. The study of family resource management considers both the consumption of resources and the availability/expenditure of human resources by family members. Interdependency of individuals: dynamic environment, conscious effort to meet need of all, frm is a process, review the factors that guide resource identification to meet family needs, review the differences between family resource management and business. Frm: parallels a business model, but exists on a higher personal level with more emotional, intangible types of factors to consider. Business management: focuses on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the use of resources to accomplish performance goals. Generally have a stronger hierarchical base and more tangible factors in the decision-making process: review family decision-making models.