ENVS 4262 : ENVS 4262 Final Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

State in emergency planning (important role!: state laws describe responsibilities of state government for emergencies and disasters, states are key link between federal and local communities. Hazard mitigation planning: collaborative process where hazards affecting the states are identified, vulnerability of hazards are assessed, consensus reached on how to minimize or eliminate hazard effects. Consequences of lack of sate plan: federal regulations state that states must have an approved standard state. Mitigation plan meeting the requirements in order to receive disaster assistance. Inconsistency with plan/permit can result in construction halt: inspection of finished product. If conditions met, certificate of occupancy issued: florida has strict building codes. Inadequate: states influence supply of insurance by controlling. Each community has unique problems: demographics, topography, climate, economics, natural resources, hazardous exposures, political and cultural character, each approach to increase resiliency must reflect individual mitigation and preparedness needs.