HIST 2055 : History Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Broad themes from beginning of the country to 1860"s. Make sure to describe broader themes, but do not be too specific. Thomas jefferson and his power to buy land. Constitution did not state whether the president was allowed to purchase land or not. Andrew jackson utilizing national power in order to eliminate national power. Abraham lincoln placing the us under martial law during the civil war. States deciding the line between state rule and a federal government. Trying to be worked out, never was entirely. Started a long lived argument between federalists and antifederalists. Some would have believed that secession was constitutional. As political parties changed, their beliefs did not. States created the federal government, not the other way around. The constitution was created by the cooperation and compromise of all the states at the time. The creation of the constitution was so the rights of the people would be protected, and would avoid an oppressive government.