KIN 2526 : KIN2526 Test 2 NOTES

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Your frame of mind: this depends on your commitment to coaching. For some, coaching is not a profession but an obsession. Others will tell them how terrible their mother or father is. Most coaches children wouldn"t trade places they leave the locker room for the day. Include them in the inner circle of the team"s operation. They will be less likely to resent your preoccupation with the season or: as a coach. Cannot assume everyone around you is as enthusiastic as you are. All these duties must be shared: biggest concerns for men according to a survey. Never let coaching become more important than your marriage: single common theme. Tell them about a special play: biggest problem-no support system, nobody to share with, social life, daily chores, friendships, balance teaching and coaching. Positive discipline: coaching young players who are close to your age, discipline is a negative term to most of us.