MGT 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theory X And Theory Y, Equity Theory, Reinforcement

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18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Esteem: money can satisfy all the needs. No longer motivational; once you satisfy a need you move on. State of stuckedness- nothing can be done. Will be stuck and there is nothing you can do about it. If you cant achieve safety, you will be stuck there. You can"t go back down to physiological b/c it is no longer motivational. So no, the employee can no longer be motivated. Esteem and self actualization top 2: give you an enriched job to satisfy these. No one ever fully satisfies it (never fully satisfied: once you satisfy it, you will want even more of it. People do not go through needs in the same order; they have different value system: the pyramid of needs can be in a different order for different people. Satisfied needs can still motivate: what is a cafeteria-style benefits plan?don"t worry about. Cafeteria- style benefits plan:where you can pick and choose the benefits you desire.