MGT 3200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trait Theory, Dont, Time Out Group

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4 May 2017

Document Summary

Management 3200 final exam review questions: what are the fi(cid:448)e (cid:374)eeds i(cid:374) maslo(cid:449)"s hierar(cid:272)hy of (cid:374)eeds? (cid:894)k(cid:374)o(cid:449) (cid:449)hat ea(cid:272)h (cid:374)eed is a(cid:374)d (cid:271)e a(cid:271)le to re(cid:272)og(cid:374)ize what need is being satisfied in a given situation) No longer motivational; once you satisfy a need you move on. Esteem and self actualization top 2: give you an enriched job to satisfy these. No one ever fully satisfies it (never fully satisfied) People do not go through needs in the same order; they have different value system. Cafeteria- style benefits plan: where you can pick and choose the benefits you desire. All it is maslo(cid:449)"s theory but reformulated. Erg: satisfy need can still motivate you can move back down to smaller needs. Alderfer"s erg theory says satisfied needs can still motivate you. Frustration- regression principle: belief that a frustrated belief can still motivate you.