PHIL 2020 : Example Midterm Paper

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Throughout history, humans have always been on a search for justice. A multitude of philosophers, scholars, and politicians have suggested mechanisms for achieving an evenhanded, balanced society. Libertarianism, kant"s moral philosophy, and the philosophy of john rawls are four of the most popular and influential methods of viewing justness and ethics. Utilitarianism is a moral theory holding that the best course of action is the one with that promotes the most good for the highest number of individuals. It is a form of consequentialism rather that deontology. This means that rather than focusing on doing actions that are intrinsically morally correct, utilitarianism focuses on what consequences will result of an action. The two most influential contributors to this theory are considered to be jeremy bentham and john stuart mill (song 4). Bentham argued that right and wrong are gauged by what procures the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.