POLI 2051 : 2051 American Government Exam 4 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The courts: district courts- 94 of these. Contained within states, every state has at least one. Have original jurisdiction which means cases start there: courts of appeals- or circuit courts, 13 of these. Only have appellate jurisdiction, not original: supreme court- the only court that has to exist, has original and appellate jurisdiction. 14. 3: if they decide not to hear case, court of. Appeals decision stands: constitution authorizes the president to nominate and the senate to confirm, process is the same for all federal judges. The way the nominee is chosen differs according to the level of federal court involved: there are no legal or constitutional requirements, a general qualification is that the nominee be a lawyer. District courts senatorial courtesy applies-president asking senators from their party in that given state to figure out who to nominate. Presidents consider factors such as: ideology, representational qualities.