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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

If produced in parietal lobe on the right, common to have a spatial agnosia where person is. This type of deficit is agnosia-not know (term invented by freud) There are sensory agnosias for all sensory systems. They experience diminished sensibility that"s poorly localized (can"t locate it) If you go posterior to post central gyrus, you encounter sensory association cortex. Parietal lobe has gyrus in it that is analogous to. Somastesis-our body senses, including pain, temp, skin sensibilities. Big areas devoted to sensibilities of our hands, mouth, head. If you produce a lesion in the post central gyrus, you"ll produce a localized deficit in one of the somatosenses (say it"s pain and temp), person usually doesn"t report complete insensibility. Lesion in sensory association cortex on the left is usually expressed as an agnosia impaired in their ability to do things like follow a map, navigate through a space, monitor contents of space (book ex.