SOCL 2001 : Test 2 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Our world is different from the past world in that if it doesn"t allow participation/inclusion from all groups, there will be an issue. The news media will cover you and you will be cast in a bad light the end. The point of this is how to have participation through the use of information technology. Issue with holding a single meeting over the course of a single day for the entire world. Groups: small, members interact on a regular basis. Aggregates: people at the same time and same place, but not interacting. Ex. people waiting on a bus or watching a movie. Categories: people who share some common characteristic, whether or not they interact. Primary (family, friends) and secondary groups (such as coworkers; work for common interests, do not persistently interact over a period of time) Pg 123 on web communication is wrong (according to wes)