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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

1. 16 intro to sociology: sociology: scientific study of society and social life. The transformation for production before the ind rev people were reliant on horse/man/water power, therefore, factories were small. Rev. changed all that factories now in cities (more workers & more consumers). Rev. was a transformation of life (mostly took place in england 1830-1870): rural, agriculture societies urban, industrial societies, u. s. was delayed by the civil war. Ours was 1870-1920: europe used to be dominated by feudal system (classes strictly defined) but it broke down and people moved into cities with a modern-ish government. Rev. transformation caused big problems too: poverty, unemployment, slums, un-safe working conditions, 15-16 hour days, 6 days a week all because of little gov regulation: started an upheaval of social order. How do we understand what"s going on & how to fix it: adam smith: inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (april 1776).