SOCL 3601 : Exam 1 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Operant conditioning b. f. skinner: skinner conditioned his pigeons to dance, rewarded them when they moved correctly and punished them when they moved incorrectly. Implicit personality theory people assume that members of certain. 2 types of causation we attribute to people"s actions: Words have 2 types of meanings: affective meanings. The affective meaning of a word can be measured using semantic differentials (osgoode: the scale weighs on 3 specific factors (epa, evaluation good/bad, potency weak/strong, activity active/passive. Fundamental sentiments = the enduring affective meanings prevailing in a society; are described using the epa profiles: ex. the word gangster provokes the sentiment: bad, strong, and active. Transient sentiments = affective meanings which are particular to a situation, come and go: types of societies (turner) Strong collective conscience all thought in the same way, people think in terms of what is best for the whole group rather than the individual important as men.