COM 439 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kims, Human Nature, Masculinity

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Exam #1
25 multiple choice questions
Hall’s contributions to intercultural communication
o Introduced the notion of proxemics/nonverbal communication
o Proxemics: the study of how people use personal space
o Four distance zones
o Different cultures respond to space differently
o People know which distance to use depending on the situation
Social Scientific (Functional)
o Theoreticians
Gudy Kunst
Individual vs Collective culture
o Individual: focuses on a single person
o Collective: focuses on the group
AUM (Anxiety Uncertainty Model/Management)
o What do you do to reduce anxiety or uncertainty?
Face Negotiation Theory
o Face saving strategies are culturally based
o Face favorable sense of self
o The need to save face is stronger in a collective culture
Conversational Constraints
o Why do people make certain conversation choices?
1. Clarity
2. Consideration
3. Minimize imposition
4. Negative evaluations
5. Effectiveness
Diffusion of Innovations
o Adopt new technology
o Opinion leaders
Translation equivalence
o To solve context problem
o Methods and various approaches
Communication accommodation theory
We adjust our communication to facilitate others
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Quantitative methods
Relationships between variables
o Limitations
o Goals
Identify and explain cultural variations
o Misc.
Reality, culture, and behavior are predictable
Communication is influenced by culture
Does not consider context of cultural differences
Culture is a variable
Predictable external reality
Culture is learned and shared through patterns of perception
Culture influences communication
Predict behavior
o Theoreticians
o Methods and various approaches
Textual analyses of the media
Pop culture
o Limitations
Limited empirical data
o Goals
Change behavior
o Aims
Change behavior
o Misc.
Culture is heterogeneous and dynamic site of contested meanings
Different people think of different things differently
Change behavior
Reality is subjective
Culture is the site of a power struggle
Recognize political and economic forces in culture
Power characterizes interactions
Those who are in power want to remain, those who aren’t want to
challenge the system
Critical differs from interpretive by focusing on macrocontexts
o Theoreticians
Theory of identity
o Communication is a process and identities emerge through
relations with others
o 4 identity frames
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