[GEO 451] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 57 pages long Study Guide!

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Comprehensive planning process: identify current issues (public visioning, inventory existing conditions, state goals and objectives, draft plan, public review, finalize, develop implementation strategies, implement plan, re evaluate. Motivations: public health and safety, resource conservation, cultural (want for aesthetics, bicycling/hiking, ethical (unfair distribution, leaving behind world for generations, economical. Human activity adds to green house gas emissions into the atomosphere: burning fossil fuels releases new co2, greenhouse gas (ghg) emission alter climate, warming is unequivocal, social and environmental impacts, uneven spatial distribution of causes (based on lifestyle, projected scenarios dependent on what we do, but earth will still warm at some rate, uneven geography of impacts. Senate bill 375: supports the state"s climate action goals to reduce greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions through coordinated transportation and land use planning with the goal of more sustainable communities. Vanderbilt, t. (cid:498)why more roads lead to more traffic(cid:499) Latent demand demand that"s there but because the system is so confined the demand doesn"t materialize.