MTH 125 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Net Present Value, Antiderivative, Marginal Cost

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Read these instructions: this examination has 13 numbered pages. It is your responsibility to ensure that at the beginning of the exam, all of these pages are included: if you need extra answer space, use the back of a page or page 13. Clearly indicate the location of your continuing work. You may write in pencil, pen, or other ink: you may use one standard hand-held calculator (graphing capability is permitted). Print letters for the multiple choice questions in these boxes: Do not write anything in the boxes below. S = p ert (1 + r)n+1 (cid:0) 1 r (cid:0) r. S = r (1 + r)n (cid:0) 1 r. Part a: 12 multiple choice questions for each of the following, clearly print the letter of the answer you think is most correct in the boxes on page 1. Each right answer earns 3:5 points and no answer/wrong answers earn 0 points.