[ANP 206] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Anthropology: derived from the greeks (man or human) logos (logic of science) Main 4 are linguistics, cultural, archaeology and biological. Between cultures that are present today (cultural anthropologist) Between cultures that existed in the past (archaeologist) Between related species of the hominid family (paleoanthropologist/physical anthropology ) Big picture integration of all aspects of a culture. Biocultural perspective = interaction between biology and culture. Cultural, archaeology, physical ( human evolution, genetics, primatology, archaeology- population level, forensic anthropology-individual level ) linguistic. Anthropology(for this class): the science of human cultural and biological variation and evolution. culture = shared learned behavior. Biocultural approach: studying the interaction between biology and culture in the evolutionary adaption. (human variation) The process of successful interaction between a population and the environment. First physical anthropologist that were interested in racial classification and focused on collecting skulls for comparative study. Racial typologies used as evidence of racial superiority of inferiority.