ANP 206 Quiz: ANP 206 Notes 1

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What is anthropology and physical anthropology: what is anthropology, the study of humans, what makes anthropology different than other disciplines that study humans, anthropology is holistic and comparative, anthropologists study humans through time and space. Holistic study: the big picture integration of all aspects of a culture, for instance, how does hunting, social organization, marriage, art, religion, and craft production fit together, biocultural perspective: interaction between biology and culture. What are the branches of anthropology: anthropology, cultural, archaeology, physical, forensic anthropology. Individual level: human evolution, genetics, primatology, bioarcheology, population level, linguistic. How are all the branches linked: through the study of culture and biology, culture = shared learned behavior, biocultural approach/anthropology = studying the interaction between biology and culture in evolutionary adaption. Physical anthropology: physical (biological) anthropology = study of humans as biological organisms considered in an evolutionary framework, evolutionary perspective, physical form of humans survival and reproduction.