IBIO 408 Study Guide - Final Guide: Elastic Fiber, Glycosaminoglycan, Extracellular Fluid

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Ibio 408 lecture 13: collagen fibers strongest and most abundant type. Cross-linking of collagen fibers give collagen its strength: reticular fibers bundles of special type of collagen. Cluster into networks (reticulum) that cover and support all structures bordering the ct. Long and thin. form wide networks within the ecm. Made up of collagen but also contain elastin, which allows them to function like rubber bands. Ground substance the part of the extracellular matrix that holds the tissue fluid (derived from the bloof) Consists of large sugar (glycoaminoglycans) and sugar protein molecules (proteoglycans) that soak up fluid like a sponge. Function of ground substance? functions as a medium through which nutrients waste and other dissolved the substances can diffuse between the blood capillaries and cells. Defense cells- areolar ct is the site of body"s war against infectious microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) It contains white blood cells to fight foreign invaders. Areolar ct contains a variety of ___ ___