IBIO 408 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ground Substance, Epithelium, Fibroblast

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Ibio 408 lecture 12: rich supply of blood vessels. Generally, connective tissues have a rich supply of blood vessels. (vascularized) exceptions include- cartilage, tendons and ligaments (avascular: many cell types. Connective tissues are composed of many cell types but relatively few cells. Big variety but few cells in them: extracellular matrix. In between the cells of connective tissue are a vast amount of noncellular (non living material) called extracellular matrix. The ___ ___ distinguishes connective tissue from all other tissues. Nothing between epithelia, but connective tissue is very spread out. Extracellular matrix has two structural components: ground substance, fibers, ground substance. The ground substance functions as the medium through which nutrients and other dissolved subtances can diffuse between the blood capillaries and cells. Holds the interstitial fluid (fluid component of the connective tissue) Provide support. ex. collagen fibers, elastic fibers, reticular fibers all made from a single cell called fibroblast. All fibers are made from a single cell called fibroblast.