IBIO 408 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hyaline Cartilage, Elastic Cartilage, Ground Substance

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Cartilage a firm connective tissue resist compression (pressing) as sell as tension. Matrix thin collagen, ground substance, lots of tissue fluid (cartilage consists of 80% water) Chondrocyte a firm flexible tissue that contains no blood vessels or nerves and just one kind of cell contained within a cavity called lacuna. Chondroblast immature chondrocytes that secrete the matrix during cartilage growth. 3 types of cartilage: hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, elastic cartilage. Connective tissue- bone (osseous) tissue characteristicsen: calcified matrix containing many collagen fibers, osteoblasts (immature)- secrete collagen fibers and matrix, osteocytes- mature bone cells in lacunae, very well vascularized. Connective tissue- bone (osseous) tissue function: supports and protects organs, provides levers and attachment sites for muscles, stores calcium, fat and minerals, marrow: site for blood formation. Why can"t anything get through matrix in bone? it is calcified. How are substances passed to the bone? there are canals in the bone to communicate.