ISS 215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intelligent Design, Symbolic Ethnicity, Cuban Americans

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In sociology, minority refers to the subordinate group. The sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed is known as racial transformation. The racial and ethnic landscape is subject to change with different interpretations because it is constructed socially. The conflict perspective is viewed as more radical and activist than functionalism because conflict theorists emphasize social change. According to the spectrum of intergroup status, extermination relationships are largely unacceptable to the subordinate group. Fusion occurs when a minority and majority group combine to form a new group. The cultural traits that make ethnic groups distinctive usually originate from their homelands. The idea of biological race is based on the mistaken notion of a variation in skin color. The development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups is called panethnicity. When annexation occurs, the dominant power generally suppresses the language and culture of the minority.