PLS 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: United States Congress, Mitch Mcconnell, Election 2

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Head of executive branch of the federal government. Can appoint (with senate approval) and remove high ranking officers of the federal government. Supreme commander of the us military and intelligence network (eg cia fbi) Note: constitution assigns power to declare war to congress not the president. Has sole power to negotiate and sign treaties with other nations (requires senate approval) Can sign executive agreements with other nations (senate approval not required) Power to recognize or refuse to recognize foreign governments. Executive orders: rules and regulations issued by the president (have same effect and states as laws) Once congress passes a bill the president has four options. Veto the bill (congress can override with a 2/3 vote in each chamber) Do nothing (bill becomes a law after 10 working days) Pocket veto (can only be used during the last 9 days of the legislative session) Right of president to withhold information form congress.