BIO_SC 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reuptake, Transcription Factor, Phospholipid

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12 Sep 2017

Document Summary

3 main players: cell that sends out the signal (usually ligand, receptor, target cell. Stages: reception of signal, transduction of signal, response to signal (what is the end result) Receptor is located in the vicinity where the ligand is sent out. Happens in animal cells via gap-junction: two cells that are very close contact with gap junction that allows the ligand to travel from cell to cell. Usually in embryonic development: as our cells grow our embryonic cells touch each other; in cancer cells either the ligand is not sent out or the cell receiving the signal does not have a response. In cancer cells either the casface cascade isn"t initiated for apoptosis or it is and the cell does not respond to undergo apoptosis (which cells usually do when their dna is messed up) Nicotinic receptor functions when a ligand binds with a. Ligand is able to pass through the fatty-acid membrane and reach the cytosol of the cell.