[H_D_FS 1610] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Study guide: lecture 8/30/16 intimate relationships and marriage. When you get to the exam draw it will help with certain problems: question # 2 on the. Not everyone is a master when it comes to relationships. All these sites above are good sources for research about relationship. Academic journals: 2-3 times a year, latest research, few diagrams, its like a professional magazine. Professors careers actually depend more on this type of stuff and not teaching. To get published it goes through a lot of stages to make sure that it is worth publishing. Comes from social problems, personal experience, and build off of previous studies: social problems ex: communication. No one knows the answers to the questions( aka starting from scratch) Ex: effects of living apart relationships wanting to be in a relationship but not wanting the strings attached with the relationship. Former step relationships: divorced again and the step children, no one knows the effect, descriptive.