SOCIOL 3430 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scott Brooks, Motivation, Making Money

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27 Apr 2016

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We say we are american and we abide by these economic system but the collegiate system does not go that way. American"s say that what brings the most market in, should get the most paid. We also have the idea of equal play, equal pay. We will say no because the tennis team doesn"t make nearly as much money as the football team. The impact on their body will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Colleges make a lot of money off college athletes. Quantifying how much a big time athlete brings revenue to a university. They make up the rules, everyone else has to fall in line. Origin of problem of college players getting paid. Ivy league colleges do not give athletic scholarships. All division 1 schools except for ivy league colleges give scholarships. Only way to move up in division is by demonstrating financial capabilities.