STAT 1200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Randomized Experiment, Bodybuilding Supplement, Academic Journal

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Document Summary

Statistics : a collection of procedures and principles for gaining and analyzing info to educate people and help them make better decisions when faced with uncertainty. Decide whether the study should be observational study or a randomized experiment. Probability: measure of how likely an event is to occur. 1-- it will happen; 0--it will not happen. Population: all individuals of interest for research. Reliability : how good are the answers we got back. Surveys: ask people questions and record answers--we want the sample to look like the population and. Usually a percent accompanied by a margin of error-- ie +/-4% be anonymous. Natural variability: variability that naturally exists in the population. Observational study: observe things about our sample. Cause and effect conclusions cannot be drawn from these studies. Randomized experiment: we randomly assign people to one of two groups. Cause and effect conclusions can be drawn if everyone is the same but the treatment given.