BIO 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bone Marrow, Intramembranous Ossification, Hyaline Cartilage

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7. 1 introduction to the skeletal system: identify the two types of bone tissue present in skeletal bones, spongy bone, less dense, 20% of mass, compact bone, more dense, 80% of mass. 7. 2a general functions: identify four major functions of bone, storage minerals, marrow (red and yellow, movement, protection protects softer organs, blood production, hemopoiesis. No, avascular: compare interstitial and appositional growth in cartilage. 7. 4 bone formation: identify the hormones that influence bone growth and bone remodeling and describe their affects, describe both intramembranous and endochondral ossification and provide examples of bones that develop from each process. 7. 5 bone growth & remodeling: describe and compare appositional and interstitial bone growth. 7. 8 bone fracture and repair: identify the four major steps in bone repair, simple fracture takes 2-3 months, compound takes longer, heals faster in children, slower to heal as we age, 1.