[MARK 20100] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 30 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

The evolution of marketing: there are 4 overlapping periods of marketing: Production era= goods were scarce and sold themselves lasted until the 1920s. According to robert keith (pillsbury president in the 1920s), we are professional flour millers our basic function is to mill quality flour. shows that they did not see a need for advertisement or promotion of product. Sales era= more of a focus on selling because there was more competition and more manufacturers. First time that there is a major focus on the selling of a product. According to robert keith, we must hire salespersons to sell the flour just as we hire accountants to keep our books. marketing is starting to get a reputation now. Marketing concept era= started in 1952 and lasted until 2000 now, marketing is gaining legitimacy as companies are beginning to understand and to connect with consumers.