MKT 205 Study Guide - Precedent, Diversity Jurisdiction, Minimum Contacts

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Covers chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Don"t just study my power points, but that is a good place to start. Book chapters will supplement my topics and be included on exam. Utilize mindtap to review flashcards, or the practice worksheets. There is, of course, some memorization, but there is also an element of application with. Sources of american law: u. s. and state constitutions, statutory law--federal and state statutes, administrative law, case law and common law doctrines. Case precedents: are judicial decisions that give rise to legal principles that can be applied in future cases based upon similar facts. Jurisdiction, venue and standing: state jurisdiction is through long arm statutes! Difference between state and federal court and trial v. appellate courts. Criminal v. civil burden of proofs: beyond a reasonable doubt v. preponderance. 1 the us constitution and the constations of various states according to article vi of the.