PHTH 1260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Health Care In The United States, Beveridge Report, Induced Demand

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It"s considered a public good: the externalities are non-rivalvous and non-excludable, non-rivalrous: 1 person"s enjoyment does not lessen the others" enjoyment, non-excludable: its hard to stop someone from benefitting iv. Buyer, seller, and payer have a complicated relationship a: lack of impersonal transactions: provider is trusted to act on the behalf f the patient i. Incentives encourage unnecessary care physician induced demand: selfish-motivation: payer is driven by profit not health i. If a single payer system were put in place a. Insurance companies would go out of business: government work would increase but not enough to counteract the amount of jobs lost already so then it would keep happening. If we force referrals for specialists: specialists would go out of business, the only model that would really work in this situation is the, reimbursement system incentives. Fraud: where does the money in healthcare go, where does the money in healthcare come from, transitions in private health insurance a.