PSYC 3458 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sound Localization, Olfactory Bulb, Visual Agnosia

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During sleep: thalamus major relay and integration center, regulates all autonomic functions, receives input from sensory systems and maintains overall level of arousal. Decreases release of substance p: can be altered in different states, mood depressed increase pain perception, fearful decreased pain perception, chronic pain amygdala inhibits prefrontal cortex decision making, pag. Neuroanatomy terms: homunculus = (cid:498)little human(cid:499, receptive field site of detection on sensory neuron frequency vibrations of the skin. Be able to differentiate: external vs internal sensory stimuli. Inner ear cochlea, oval window, basilar membrane: middle ear tympanic membrane, ossicles incus, malleus, stapes sound localization membrane oval window of the cochlea thalamus. Inability to follow verbal instructions: wernicke"s vs broca"s aphasia (cid:523)case study worksheet(cid:524) Layered into 6 sections 4c inputs from lgn. High molecular weight, non-volatile (odourless chemicals: pheromones = chemical signals between members of the same species, eliciting a particular, most animals only become sexually aroused in the presence of pheromones, receptors can contribute to the perception.