[BIOL 3320] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 13 pages long Study Guide!

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Epithelial tissue outside the skin hollow organ, with a cavity inside provides physical, biological and chemical protection. Sensation- a lot of nerve endings allows different chemical to enter different parts of the body. Muscle tissue important for contractions and movement located in the gastro intestinal, respiratory, urinary, genital, cardiovascular system walls of hollow organs controlled subconsciously skeletal muscle heart controlled by us. Connective tissue transport fluid nutrients, oxygens, waste general framework of the body made of bone and cartilage protects vital organ ex:lung, heart kidney, lungs in charge of storing energy. Intercellular connections large areas of opposing plasma membrane. Tight junctions: does not allow movement of fluid from one area to another prevent movement ex: in kidneys and brain. Allows small fat soluble molecules and electro lights from one area to another. Spot- between 2 epithelia cells when you have cells attached. Hemidesmosomes the more you have the more the cells will stick together.