MUSIC-UA 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ingrooves, Roc Nation, Tunecore

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For what purposes do you need what licenses from whom. Ex. what licenses does spotify need - performance from both pros & Soundexchange (compulsory), mechanical license from publisher (set rate), master license from sound recording owners (negotiable) Always need a license from the publisher. Broadcasting - performance from pro and maybe from soundexchange if using the master. Performance is pros, unless grand rights (publisher) May require master use license if distributor is not owner of the sound recording. Mechanical/interactive streaming (aka on-demand i. e. spotify, apple music) Requires mechanical license from hfa or publishers. Requires master use license from sound recording owners. Audio visual - games, apps, karaoke (i. e. digital tv, youtube, hulu, vevo, vimeo) Requires synch license from publishers & sound recording owners (if applicable) Royalties paid may be per unit rate, percentage of net revenue or receipts including sales & advertising. Monetize - works owners allow isp to place an ad in from of a popular.