NURSE-UN 1255 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: 18 Months

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Lifts head and turns head to side in prone. Sits alone with use of hands for support. Imitates or uses gestures such as waving goodbye. Points to named body parts and pictures in books. Names a variety of objects in the environment. Speech understood by those who know the child, about half understood by those outside family. Talks about something that happened in the past. Tells a story that is easy to follow. 75% of speech understood by others outside family. Knows names of familiar animals and at least 1 color. Speech should be completely intelligible and grammatically correct. Turns book pages (singly with board book, multiple if paper) Stands on one foot up to 5 seconds. Draws a person with two to four body parts. Stand on one foot 10 seconds or longer. Draws person with body and at least six parts.