SCTEC-UF 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: United States Constitution, C-Span, Gun Control

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The term political , is used to describe the public and relationships of power. Other related terms include: self-interest, authority & obedience. Aristotle- every citizen should know to rule and be ruled . Kant- we are most free when we give ourselves a law and obey it . Social contract = united states constitution divine right of kings . | | peasants (consent) - tacit (consent: we created the law) United states senate- state/100 representatives/ term limit of 6 years. United states house of representatives- districts/435 representatives/ term limit of 2. Federalist papers- a set of newspaper articles to convince the public to allow the government to change the articles of confederation (first constitution) written by james madison, alexander. Power within the government is split between federal and state levels. Hard to get a bill turned into law- bill introduced, sent to a committee, committee chair can decide to hold hearings.