ANTHROP 2200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mitosis, Cell Nucleus, Genetic Drift

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Re-writing all my notes in leymen"s terms anthro first midterm: anthropology is the study of people (anthropos-people, logia-study). To be human you have six main attributes but i don"t hick you need to know them. You can basically tell what those are from their names. Anthro is holistic, so it studies all parts of the person and their life to better understand them. Ecology-how living things react with environment then facts because theories are believed but not 100% proven. The theory of evolution is both theory and fact. The evolution theory relies on 3 main concepts: 1) The earth is ancient 2)the surface of the earth has changed and continues to change 3) plants and animals on the earth have changed an continue to change. 2) scientific method= a research strategy that"s repeatable. Here"s a list of a lot of people. Aristotle basically came up with the idea that the.