COMM 2367- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Comm 9/8/17 lecture measuring attitudes: 3 standard attitude scales: likert (very popular today) scale of agree and disagree. Pitfall in attitude measurement: no perfect scale, inaccuracies result from: Wording of questions: the way questions are worded/asked can influence responses the researcher receives. Open-ended measures: essay questions, combine open-ended measures with traditional attitude scales to tap attitudes accurately and completely, cognitive or affective information: Individuals read or view a message and list their cognitive reactions (thoughts) People can be asked to write down first ideas that come to their head. Implications for persuasion: when designing persuasive message. Put people in touch with their feelings. Persuasion and the sophists: rhetoric- argumentation, language, and public address used to influence audiences, an ancient forms of persuasion, dual approach: Persuasion as strong arguments and logic (plato) Logic and scientific demonstration allow humans to arrive at truth.