ECON 4140 Study Guide - Final Guide: Real Wages, National Labor Relations Act, Aggregate Demand

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In 1870, banks found another way to earn profits via the personal check. The silverites clung tenaciously to the plot theory in spite of the fact that the act of 1873 was simply a legal recognition of the existing fact that the silver dollar had not been in circulation for decades. In addition, the act had been considered in five sessions of congress and discussed frequently by treasury officials. Century (4 points): the flow of immigrants to the us during the 19th and early 20th century is often described through the clockwise pattern. This is referring to the fact that there was a rotation of european immigrants. From colonial times until around 1870 immigrants came mainly from the british isles, also. 1890s and 1st decade of 20th century, heavy flows from southern europe, especially. These immigrants usually moved across eastern cities (especially new york.