ENR 2100 Final: Study Guide ENR2100 Final Exam

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Document Summary

This study guide is designed to help you prepare for the final exam, which will cover the material shown below. The exam will consist of 50-60 questions and you will have approximately 100 minutes to complete the exam. You will be given 1 attempt to finish your exam. You will take the exam on www. carmen. osu. edu -> quizzes -> final. All exam questions are completely randomized from an extensive library of questions so that no student will have the same questions on their exam. The exam is open book meaning that you may use your notes, lecture slides, study guides, textbook, articles, videos etc. to help you as you take the exam. You are not permitted to receive assistance from another human during the exam. You are permitted to take the exam any where in the milky way galaxy. Make sure you have a reliable and fast internet connection during the exam.