PHILOS 1332 Study Guide - Final Guide: Professional Code Of Quebec, Abet

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Your manager asks you to do something that, in your eyes, poses a serious safety risk, perhaps because not enough testing has been done to show the project is safe. Like lund"s boss, yours is pressuring you to go ahead with it anyway to put your worries to the side. Q: you"re now all familiar with the kantian ethical theory as well as utilitarianism. A crucial part of thinking like an engineer, davis thinks, is acting along in accordance with one"s professional code of ethics. To ask someone to think like an engineer is to ask them to think and act in accordance with this code of ethics. Engineering, davis thinks, is a profession, defined by the goals that members of the profession intend to serve. A code of professional ethics effectively sets rules for members of the profession to follow. Abet code says to hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.