SOCIOL 4511 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anomie, Monoamine Oxidase A, Socioeconomic Status

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Soc 4511: some of the most serious problems facing youth revolve around 5 issues. Soc 4511: changes in family structure, rise in nuclear family. Family characterized by closer emotional bonds: development of poor laws. 100,000 = rate per 100,000: could even narrow down by age group or geographic location or race or gender. Truancy: drinking alcohol, using marijuana, damaging property of others. Fighting: limitations, answers may be less than candid (untruthful, non-representative samples, trivial nature of some items may inflate figures. Structural disadvantage; failing schools: little opportunity for economic mobility, time of day = right after school (3:30 5, gender, males more likely. Parental concern: race, ucr indicate large race disparity with minorities more likely to be arrested than whites. 70% of all arrests are white; 30% are african american: african americans only 12% of population. 60% of all arrests for violent crime are white; 40% african. 70% of all arrests for property crimes are white; 30%