POLS 1113 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Connecticut Compromise, Oligarchy, National Power

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3 reasons: there would be a state of lawlessness without it, conflict resolution, provides us with things that we can"t provide ourselves. To gain benefits and ensure the protection of our rights. Conditioned at a young age to give it legitimacy. We also give the government legitimacy through ignorance and from its historical predominance. Government gains authority from the people seeing it as legitimate. It does this to establish a government powerful enough to ensure order while guaranteeing individual liberty at the same time. Monarchy system of government in which a single person inherits a position of power and holds it until death. Autocracy power to govern is concentrated in the hands of an individual ruler. Oligarchy system of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a few, usually wealthy individuals. Democracy power is with the government"s people. Significance of the mayflower compact (hint: 2 reasons) Liberty without constraint seemed foreign at the time.