BB H 432 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, September 11 Attacks, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Videos: https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=z9_gxnqnqi8 8 min 27 sec living yesterday . Criterion b: at least one re experiencing symptom. Intrusive thoughts: nightmares, flashbacks, emotional distress after exposure to traumatic reminders, physical reactivity after exposure to traumatic reminders. Criterion c: at least one avoidance symptom: avoidance of trauma related stimuli. Criterion d: at least 2 negative alterations in cognitions and mood. Criterion c: at least 2 hyperarousal (reactivity) symptoms. Who was studied and how did they collect their data: coping styles (at baseline) predict ptsd at 6 months. Self-distraction (inc. 31%: psychological distress at 6 months increased with. Increased withdrawal behaviors: what is the evidence that ptsd is influenced by diathesis , diathesis stress model: not everyone is going to get ptsd; diathesis states that there is some underlying vulnerability to developing ptsd. What 9/11 experiences predicted ptsd symptoms: strongest predictor of developing ptsd: being injured that day.