HD FS 287Y Study Guide - Final Guide: Military Robot, Brookings Institution, Vehicular Automation

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Society has been playing around with the idea of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is also known as a. i and there are different levels of it, weak a. i, strong a. i and super intelligent a. i. Not just the united states but the entire world has been experimenting with artificial intelligence in many different forms from self-driving cars, cortana and siri to autonomous weapon systems. Most of the world is nervous about technology taking over the world in the form of artificial intelligence because if we come out with autonomous weapons and they get into the wrong hands, that could be devastating. Scientists are also skeptical about artificial intelligence taking things too literally. Artificial intelligence is a mystery in terms of whether or not it is beneficial towards human development and life. Darnell m. west and jack karsten who are with the brookings institute wrote an article on how artificial intelligence technology can take away jobs from actual humans.