HD FS 414 Study Guide - Final Guide: Structural Family Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Existential Therapy

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Ted talk on feminism that we watched in class (basic info from it if you watched it you don"t need to study anything as the question i ask is obvious) The placebo effect what it is and what we learned about it from the video in class. Aces . what they are and what we learned about them from the ted talk in class. Cognitive behavioral therapy (the basic tenets and the founder) Feminist theory (what an egalitarian relationship is and how to promote it with clients) Person centered theory (the basic tenets and the founder: carl rogers. Structural family therapy (the basic tenets and the founder) Jungian therapy (an offshoot of psychoanalysis) (the basic tenets and the founder) Interpersonal therapy (the basic tenets and the founder: fixing relationships that client has, pushes and pulls. What cohesion is with regards to group therapy. Existential therapy (the basic tenets and the founder: making meaning out of life, yalom.