KINES 360 Study Guide - Skeletal Muscle, Olfactory Tract, Experimental Psychology

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27 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Neural control of movement : describe the mechanism that our central nervous system employs to move our body segments and to maintain posture in an accord with the goals of a particular tasks. Motor control: sub discipline of neuroscience that addresses the processes underlying the acquisition, performance, retention of motor skills. Fields that contribute to science of the neural control of movement: neuroscience, physiology, biomechanics, experimental psychology. Three components of the brain stem: midbrain, pons, medulla. Three main functions of the brain stems: target for cranial nerves that deal with sensory and motor function of the head and heck. 2. throughway for all ascending tracts, sensory tracts for the head and neck, descending motor tracts from the forebrain, and local pathways for eye movements: regulating the level of consciousness, heart rate, respiration, posture = reticular formation. Gray matter - pinkish-grey color in the living brain, contains the cell bodies, dendrites, and axon terminals of neurons.