PSYCH 100 Midterm: Term Test 5 - Fall 2017

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Topics included: personality, stress & health psychology. Section#1 personality: personality is an individual"s unique pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that persists over time and across situations. Psychoanalysis is the theory of personality freud developed, as well as the form of therapy he invented. In freud"s theory, all the ideas, thoughts, and feelings of which we are not and normally cannot become aware are known as the unconscious. Freud was the first to stress the unconscious: according to freud, libido is the energy generated by the sexual instinct. Freud proposed that the sexual instinct is the basis of behavior. According to freud, personality is made of three structures: in freud"s theory of personality, the collection of unconscious urges and desires that continually seek expression is known as the id. According to freud, the reality principle is the way in which the ego seeks to satisfy instinctual demands safely and effectively in the real world.