SOC 001H Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fellatio, Syphilis, Nuremberg Code

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29 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Ch 1: sociological imagination c. wright mills. With a sociological imagination you realize that there are many more factors such as history and experience to recognize. You learn to look at the big picture of public issues rather than focusing on individual troubles. Individuals experiences are the result of the intersections of biography and history within a society. Ch 2: how history and sociology can help today"s families- stephanie coontz. Rolelessness: young people do better when they meaningful involvement in tasks. This rolelessness creates problems for teens (ie: teen pregnancy) Ch 4: men as success objects women as sex objects- simon davis. Used unobtrusive method because no one was aware they were studied. Unit of analysis was personal ads he studied from van cover sun newspaper. Only used saturday personal ads/ used six editions. Results were consistent with stereotypes that more men requested attractive and fit mates while women requested financially stable, intelligent, and commitment more.