CLASS 1220- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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29 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Athens annually: theseus ends the cycle by volunteering as a youth to break the control of. Iliad and the odyssey epic poems to entertain: written in dactylic hexameter, formulaic language (building blocks of poem, 800 bc phoenicians arrive with trade and wealth in greece and the classical. Aeschylus: wanted audience to feel catharsis (let go of worries) during his plays. Iran across middle east israel/lebanon turkey: coast of turkey has been colonized by greeks in 1000 bc. Ionia: coast was taken over by the persians, greeks thought it was necessary to help the estranged greeks in. Ionia: athenians defeat the persians on the marathon plain, formation of the delian league, annual payment to prevent or prepare for next persian attack, another attacked never launched because of internal. Persian conflict: treasury was moved to athens and they make payments mandatory, athens used it to rebuild city (parthenon, first wood theatre, etc. , led to the peloponnesian war (431-404) (sparta vs.