PSY 0105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Name–Letter Effect, Dispositional Attribution, Terror Management Theory

38 views11 pages
27 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Social psychology: a scientific discipline that attempts to understand and explain how thoughts, feelings and behavior of individuals is influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of the others. Social neuroscience: explores neural bases of social and emotional processes and behaviors and how these processes and behaviors affect our brain and biology. Culture: the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next. Social representations: a society"s widely held ideas and values including assumptions and cultural ideologies (help us make sense of the world) Hindsight bias: the tendency to exaggerate after learning an outcome, one"s ability to have foreseen how something turned out ( i-knew-it-all-along phenomenon) The behavior of people is always a function of the person and the situation: Power of the social situation: we overestimate personal characteristics. People are sense-makers: not great at prediction.